How much does it cost you to cancel a flight with Ryanair?

Ryanair is one of the cheapest Irish airlines through which you can book a flight ticket to any city. If you have booked a ticket and cannot travel with the airline due to your medical condition, then no worries, as Ryanair also allows you to cancel your booking and provide a full refund. However, you have to provide the relevant documents to the airline authority, and they will refund the amount after verifying the details. For more information, read the airline policy, and if you still need any help, contact customer service.

Get familiar with the Ryanair Cancellation policy

For more information, you can read the Ryanair cancellation policy to learn about the rules and regulations of the airline. Following are some points that you can read to gather more details regarding cancellation:

  • Ryanair allows full refunds to its passengers if they cancel the flight booking within 24 hours of reservation.
  • If passengers cancel their flight after 24 hours of reservation, they must pay the cancellation fees.
  • The airline will refund you the full amount of your flight if the passenger has to cancel the flight ticket due to any medical emergency. The passenger can request a refund from the official website or mobile app.
  • The passengers can cancel their flight within 1 hour before departure.
  • If Ryanair cancels your flight, they will give you a full refund.
  • If the passenger has to cancel their flight due to a family member's sudden death, the airline will refund the full amount.
  • After the cancellation, the airline will refund the amount within seven days.

Instructions to cancel your flight with Ryanair

There are three simple mediums that you can use to cancel your flight with the airline in case of a medical emergency. You can use any of the below mediums for Ryanair cancellation for 24 hours and get your money back. To know about the methods and the process, you can read the given information:

Through online method - The fastest method to cancel your ticket with Ryanair is through the online method by visiting the official website or the mobile app. You must require a mobile phone, a laptop, and fast internet to use the online method. Follow the mentioned steps and cancel your flight with the airline:

  • Open the official Ryanair website on your search browser.
  • Click on the "My Bookings" section on the main menu.
  • Write the "Last name" and "Ticket number."
  • Choose the flight and passenger.
  • Then tap on the option to cancel your flight and agree to the conditions.
  • After that, you will get a cancellation confirmation message and get your money back in a few days.

Through an offline method -  You can directly connect with the airline to learn about the Ryanair cancellation rules and cancel your flight. Dial the customer service number; the representative will help you with the steps and provide the information. Following are the steps to cancel your booking through the offline method:

  • Give a ring to the Ryanair customer service number from your cell phone.
  • Press the button to select your language.
  • Tap on the button to choose your preferred service from the following.

  For flight reservation and booking, tap 1

  For booking cancellation, tap 2

  To make any changes to your ticket, tap 3

  To apply for special assistance, tap 4

  To connect with Ryan's representative, tap #

  • Then wait some time, and your call will connect with a customer service representative.
  • Discuss the issue with your flight details
  • After that, customer service will quickly answer your question and help you cancel your flight.

Through Airport - If both of the above methods do not help you with canceling, the last option is through the airport; you can visit the reservation center at the airport and provide the details of your flight to customer service and relevant documents. Then, the customer service will assist you in canceling your flight.

Through Third-party - If you have made the reservation from a travel agency, you have to contact them only to cancel your reservation. The passengers must only contact the travel agency to make any booking changes. You can connect with your travel agent and explain your issue; the agent will cancel your flight and provide the money.

What is the cancellation fee of Ryanair?

If the passengers cancel their flight within 24 hours of purchasing the ticket, they do not have to pay any fee. Still, after 24 hours, the passengers must pay the Ryanair cancellation fee, which is deducted from the refund, and they will not get the full amount. The cancellation fee is around $20 and might also depend on the time left for departure and arrival destination.

Can I cancel my Ryanair flight due to illness?

Yes, you can cancel your Ryanair flight due to illness. However, you must provide a valid document illustrating that it is harmful for you to travel. Then, the airline will allow you to cancel your flight. You can cancel your flight online and upload the documents or provide them physically at the airport; then, the airline will verify the details and give you your money back.

How do I cancel my flight due to medical reasons?

If you are not medically fit enough to travel, then Ryanair cancellation due to illness can be made from the official website. Through this method, you can cancel your flight anytime and provide the related document to get your refund from the airline. The process of canceling your flight due to medical reasons is very simple, and you can follow it from the given points:

  • Get to Ryanair's official webpage or download the app on your mobile phone.
  • Choose the "My Bookings" section from the home page.
  • Type the "Booking reference number" and your "Passengers last name."
  • Click on the refund option and enter the information.
  • Attach the relevant medical documents and follow the instructions.
  • After that, Ryanair will cancel your flight and refund the amount within a few days.

If you have gone through the given methods, you must have known the multiple ways to cancel your flight and the airline policy. However, if your problem is still unresolved, contact a Ryanair representative, and they will help you with the details or visit the official website.

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