How much does it cost to cancel a KLM flight?

KLM allows you to obtain all the travel-related information online at their website and reserve your flight seat. Some problems can be there when you cannot continue the flight journey with KLM. In this case, you can cancel the flight ticket and get back the money. Passengers look for the KLM cancellation charges before the scheduled departure to cancel the KLM flight journey. To proceed with the KLM cancellation, you need to understand some rules and regulations and cancel the flight. For this, you need to follow the below points and get a detailed description of the cancellation.

Terms and conditions for KLM flight cancellation:

Following are the points regarding the flight cancellation policy that you can apply to your journey accordingly;

  • You have the facility to cancel the KLM flight within 24 hours of the purchase with no extra charges. For this, you must have purchased the flight ticket a week prior to the scheduled departure. 
  • You need to pay the cancellation fees if you cancel the KLM flight after 24 hours. The charges will vary between $100 to $400 according to the reservation type and departure.
  • Some unexpected situations can be there, such as the death of a family member. In this case, KLM allows you to get back the complete money and cancel the flight at no charge.
  • If you have utilized a portion of your flight journey and proceed to cancel the flight. In this situation, KLM will initiate the cancellation of unused part and deduct the charges accordingly.
  • For the flight purchased with the travel agents, you need to connect with them to cancel the KLM flight. 

Procedure to cancel the KLM flight:

Once you understand the rules regarding the KLM cancellation policy 24 hours, you need to follow the below simple steps:

  • Initially, you must open the official website of KLM on your device.
  • Then, you need to choose the My Trips option available at the top of the home screen.
  • From there, you need to provide the reservation code with your last name and tap on the continue button.
  • With this, you will retrieve your reservation with KLM, from which you need to choose the flight you want to cancel.
  • You need to tap on the cancel flight button from the drop-down section.
  • You will proceed to the new screen, where you will find the cancellation charges and final amount.
  • You need to review the cancellation in detail and tap on the confirm button.
  • Your KLM flight will be canceled immediately, and they will send you the confirmation message on your registered email id.
  • Once the cancellation is made, you can apply for the flight refund online.

Apart from the above information, you can also get in touch with the customer service team and speak with the representative. They will help you to understand the KLM cancellation policy and its related terms. To connect with the representative, you can see the different contact ways. Once you connect with them, you can ask them to cancel your flight journey before the scheduled departure. 

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