How long does it take for an ANA to refund?

When you cancel your flight and now need a refund from the Airline, you can contact the Airline or apply for a refund using the refund form accessible on the site. Thus, If you have applied for an ANA refund, and want to know the ANA refund time, Know that you will have the opportunity to get the Refund within 8 working days. You may be familiar with the refund policy and finishing up when you apply for a refund. 

A portion of the refund policy of the ANA Airlines: 

If you have applied for the Refund, make sure you know about the policy first, so that you will not face any circumstances. Here are some of the few steps of the ANA refund policy for refund help. 

  • If the traveler cancels their flight ticket within 24 hours of booking, you will be refunded from the Airline. 
  • If the Airline cancels a flight ticket because of any specialized or weather conditions issues, you will have a refund returned from the Airline. 
  • If you buy a non-refundable flight ticket and cancel your flight, you don’t have the Refund from the airlines.  
  • If your case is confounded, you will have the funds returned from the Airline in one month or less. Travelers can apply for a refund within seven days of takeoff. 

Ways of having a refund from ANA

Contacting the Airline: if the traveler books the flight by reaching the Airline from that point forward, the traveler can apply for a refund by running the Airline. If you have an ANA airline phone number, you can dial that official number of the Airline and ask them for an ANA refund ticket. The Airline will put your request for a refund, and you will have a refund from the Airline within 7-8 working days.
Apply for a refund online: 

If you book the tickets online, you can put the request for the refund online. For placing a request for a refund, you need to follow the interaction:

  • Go to the official site of the ANA airlines
  • Click on my booking. 
  • Enter your six-digit reservation number and different details too.
  • Now, cancel your flight by explaining.
  • At the point when you cancel your flight, you can apply for a refund. 

When you apply for a refund, you need to give your contact number and banking details for the Refund and apply the ANA refund fee if applicable. Now, you will get confirmation by email; or instant message. 

Apply for the ANA refund using the form: 

To claim or apply for a refund online, you can use the refund form. You need to visit the site and click on the refund structure to use the refund form. When you click on the refund form, you need to fill in refund details, and afterward, click on the submit choice. You will have a refund amount within 7-8 working days. 

Trusting the above advances, tackle your queries about a refund and ANA refund policy. You can call the ANA airlines phone number and speak with the customer service. They will assist you with the legitimate backing of any issue regarding canceling the flight and Refund. 


Official website:

Regarding refunds & rebooking visit:

For changes & refunds visit:

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